human, future
The Green Man
c. 0003800 CE
This memory archive in the form of the ‘Green Man’, contains unique data about a now extinct species. From the rare surviving scriptures held in this creature, it is believed that it had embodied magical powers. Few have read the secrets contained in these scriptures as it is considered very dangerous to do so.
IMoB 5828.93.
human, future
The Green Man
c. 0003800 CE
This memory archive in the form of the ‘Green Man’, contains unique data about a now extinct species. From the rare surviving scriptures held in this creature, it is believed that it had embodied magical powers. Few have read the secrets contained in these scriptures as it is considered very dangerous to do so, and you must also resist the urge to do this (click here to see the data content: )
IMoB 5828.93