human, near future
Secret items from rituals of the Fortissimo Portamento Society
London, England
c. 0002008-0002020 CE
These artefacts were previously curated as evidence of a secretive musical instrument destruction sect. Later research revealed this was merely a conceit of experts seeing things that were not there. The phenomena of fly tipping discarded debris in out-of-the-way roadsides became sites of ritual sacrifice merely to perpetuate the self-importance of specialists. The need for reason is easily highjacked by the vested interests of experts who explain things to satisfy their own prejudices.

human, future
Secret items from rituals of the Fortissimo Portamento Society
London, England
c. 0002008-0002020 CE
Mask with human totems used in Fortissimo Portamento Society’s ritual to obscure the wearer’s identity and to the silence the participants. This secretive society met at the waxing and waning of the music festival season in out of the way roadsides. Musical instruments were ritually sacrificed in the belief that releasing the contained music would bring members well remunerated recording contracts.