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A unique opportunity to experience exceptional objects from the future of the Anthropocene, sent back to our present in this landmark free exhibition.


From the rare archaeological remains of a 21st Century Lottery ticket to the deep time future of an Anthropocene epoch stratotype specimen, the insouciant objects in the exhibition reveal the fossilisation of human agency on a planetary scale. Traces of sedimentation in the geological specimens bear silent witness to a future that has already happened as a consequence of the missed opportunities of our present actions. Fossil carbon usage, radiation markers and anthroglomerates are evident in some of the striking displays. Along with these are remarkable Pre-Apocalypse technology fragments, digital landscape reconstructions, and never-before displayed cast body parts.


Developed in collaboration with (ex-humanus) curators from The Illegal Museum of Beyond, the exhibition provides a powerfully certain future perspective on our uncertain present.

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The point of creating futures is to get people to imagine what they want and don’t want to happen down the road—and maybe do something about it’.  


- Marge Piercy, Woman on the Edge of Time

The Illegal Museum of Beyond is part of a larger speculative design project developed by Goldsmith’s University Department for Design at Rhyl in Wales, proposing a University at the end of the world’s longest pier.

Message from the Curatorial Team:


Welcome to this exclusive preview of the perpetually provisional on-line version of the permanent galleries of the Illegal Museum of Beyond


The Objects of the Misanthropocene exhibition will be continuously under development 


We will continue working on the exhibition themes and add new exhibits and their interpretations in our Exhibition Preparation Lab.


So,  we encourage you to comment on the exhibition content and if possible,  propose your own exhibits to be included in both the online and offline IRL exhibitions.

Please navigate the rooms of the exhibition via the floorplan below, to discover more about these future worlds, the objects that inhabit them, and how this affects our here & now.  The exhibition is currently under construction, so please proceed with caution.

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